UNSW Equity Scholarships 2023

UNSW Equity Scholarships 2023

High School Leaver
Indigenous Australians
Minimum Value
available for 1 year
Aus Citizen / Aus Permanent Resident / NZ Citizen
See below

UNSW offers a wide range of Equity Scholarships to assist commencing students to undertake full-time study for the standard duration of their coursework degree program.

How to Apply

Candidates will be considered on the basis of their UAC Equity Scholarship (ES) application. UAC Equity Scholarship applications for 2022-2023 are now open.

High School students who have submitted an application for the 2022-2023 UAC Educational Access Scheme (EAS) and received an offer of admission to UNSW will also be considered for equity scholarships. Please refer to the UAC EAS website for further information, including application dates.

UNSW will be participating in the following Equity Scholarship (ES) Offer Rounds for students commencing study at UNSW in Term 1, 2023:

  • December Round 1: Apply by 11.59 pm Friday, 9 December 2022.
  • January Round 1: Apply by 11.59 pm Friday, 30 December 2022.

UNSW may participate in further offer rounds throughout the year depending on the number of scholarships available. Additional offer rounds will be listed on UAC.

Students who have submitted an ES application via UAC and are successful will receive a notification from UAC and an official offer letter from UNSW Scholarships. UNSW may also make scholarship offers directly to successful applicants.

UNSW Scholarships work in partnership with the Office of the PVC Indigenous and Nura Gili, Centre for Indigenous Programs. In some cases UNSW may prioritise Indigenous students for Equity scholarships. While Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identity is unique and sacred to every person, UNSW scholarships prioritising Indigenous students will require proof of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander identity and heritage. If you have not already provided proof of identity and heritage to Nura Gili, any Indigenous specific scholarship offer made by UNSW Scholarships will be conditional upon receipt of proof of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander heritage to Nura Gili as outlined on the Nura Gili website. For more information, please visit: https://www.indigenous.unsw.edu.au/confirmation-aboriginal-andor-torres-strait-islander-descent.

Our Equity Scholarship program for 2023 includes:

Scholarship Name Description Value and Duration
UNSW Accommodation Scholarship

Assists commencing undergraduate or postgraduate coursework students with accommodation costs while studying at UNSW. Students must have applied and received an offer to reside at any UNSW on-campus accommodation to be eligible. The Scholarship will be paid as accommodation fees directly to UNSW Student Accommodation.

In the event that a recipient is receiving the Residential Cost Option (RCO) the minimum value of the scholarship will be paid as a $7,000 stipend towards living allowance.

$25,000 p.a. for standard program duration
Maha Sinnathamby Education Equity Scholarship Established to support disadvantaged students to undertake an undergraduate degree at UNSW. $10,000 p.a. for standard program duration
Chong Kin Nam Scholarship Established to encourage and support students studying in any discipline from disadvantaged backgrounds. $10,000 p.a. for up to 4 years
UNSW Access Scholarship Assists commencing undergraduate coursework students to undertake studies at UNSW. $10,000 p.a. for standard program duration
Steglick Indigenous Women's Scholarship

Supports female Indigenous students undertaking either undergraduate or postgraduate study in health or education.

$6,500 p.a. for standard program duration
Dr Shelley Phillips Scholarship Supports women from rural or remote areas to undertake undergraduate study at UNSW. $6,000 p.a. for standard program duration
Adamo and Francesca Boncardo Equity Scholarship Established to encourage commencing students who attended a school recognised under the UNSW Gateway program (or similar program) to come to UNSW and study an undergraduate coursework degree program in any faculty. The scholarship will support students who may not otherwise be financially able to come to university. $5,000 p.a. for standard program duration
E & FJ Cowper Matraville High School Scholarship Assists graduates of Matraville Sports High School to complete an undergraduate degree program at UNSW Sydney. $5,000 p.a. for standard program duration
UNSW Indigenous Scholarships Established to support Australian Indigenous students in their studies at UNSW. $5,000 p.a. for standard program duration
UNSW President and Vice-Chancellors Equity Scholarship Assists commencing undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students to undertake studies at UNSW. $5,000 p.a. for standard program duration
UNSW Veterans Scholarship

Established to support former and transitioning Australian Defence Force Personnel or their dependents, who are experiencing disadvantage to study in any UNSW undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree. In addition to submitting an EAS or Equity Scholarships application, applicants must submit evidence of their own or their parents Australian military service record directly to UNSW Scholarships. Click here for more information on how to apply including application deadlines.

$5,000 p.a. for standard program duration for undergraduate recipients.

$20,000 total over standard program duration for postgraduate coursework degree.

Basser Equity Award

The purpose of the Award is to support commencing or current full-time undergraduate students who has been offered a place at Basser College and is experiencing educational disadvantage. One Award will be reserved for an Indigenous student.

NOTE: Applicants who are receiving the UNSW Accommodation Scholarship are not eligible for consideration

$5,000 for one year
UNSW Equity Award Assists currently enrolled undergraduate or postgraduate coursework students with their studies at UNSW. $5,000 for one year
UNSW Pre-Entry and Enabling Programs Grant Assists students who are commencing an approved enabling or pre-entry program at UNSW, including:
  • UNSW Prep Program 17-19 years
  • University Preparation Program (Mature Age Pathway)
  • UNSW Indigenous Admission Scheme
  • UNSW Indigenous Preparatory Programs

$5,000 for one year for a full-time program.

Applicants undertaking a part-time pre-entry or enabling program will also be considered and will be eligible for half the value of the Grant.

Arts, Design & Architecture
CplusC Architectural Workshop Undergraduate Scholarship The purpose of the Scholarship is to support students from diverse backgrounds during their Architectural undergraduate studies at UNSW. $10,000 p.a. standard program duration
Sandi Banks Scholarship for Indigenous Women Established to support undergraduate women of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background studying any degree in the Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture at UNSW. $8,250 p.a. standard program duration
Eva & Emery Balint Scholarship Established to support students studying Construction Management & Property. $5,000 p.a. for standard program duration
Stephen Parnaby Memorial Scholarship Established to support a student enrolled in an undergraduate degree program in the School of Arts, School of Education, School of Humanities and Languages, or the School of Social Sciences in UNSW Art, Design & Architecture who is experiencing educational disadvantage which may adversely affect their enrolment in university or progress in the program. $5,000 p.a. for standard program duration
Undergraduate Scholarship in Education The purpose of the scholarship is to support educationally disadvantaged students to undertake undergraduate studies at the UNSW School of Education. $5,000 p.a for standard program duration
Nick Waterlow Endowed Curatorial Scholarship The purpose of the scholarship is to support and encourage students to undertake the Master of Curating and Cultural Leadership program at UNSW Art & Design. $5,000 p.a. for standard program duration
UNSW Arts, Design & Architecture Postgraduate Equity Scholarship Established to give applicants who have endured hardship the support and opportunity to undertake a Master's degree (coursework) at UNSW Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture. Preference will be given to UNSW Alumni. $5,000 p.a. for standard program duration
UNSW Arts, Design & Architecture Undergraduate Equity Award Established to give the opportunity and provide support to disadvantaged, low SES candidates or candidates who have suffered hardship to undertake undergraduate studies within the Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture. $5,000 for one year
Australian Graduate School of Management (AGSM)
Arowana Scholarship in Information Systems Established to support students in Information Systems courses at UNSW Business School through to completion of their program. $10,000 p.a. for duration of program (up to 5 years)
Mattick Scholarship In Business Established to support students from single parent families who are experiencing financial or other disadvantage to undertake studies in an undergraduate program in the UNSW Business School at UNSW.. $6,000 p.a. for duration of program.
Origin Foundations Grant King Indigenous Scholarships

Assists Indigenous students commencing a degree program in the Faculty of Science or Faculty of Engineering at UNSW.

Students must reside at UNSW Shalom College or another eligible on campus accommodation provider to be eligible. The Scholarship will be paid as accommodation fees directly to the accommodation provider.

The recipients will also receive a UNSW President and Vice-Chancellors Equity Scholarship (UGCE1319) valued at $5,000 per annum stipend for the duration of a single or double degree program.

$25,000 p.a. towards residential fees + $5,000 per annum stipend for standard program duration
The Ian and Barbara Burgess Memorial Rural Engineering Scholarship

The purpose of the scholarship is to encourage, and support disadvantaged rural students studying Engineering at the University of New South Wales.

$12,000 p.a. for standard program duration
Dean's Engineering Equity Scholarship

Assists students from a disadvantaged background studying an undergraduate degree in Engineering.

$12,000 p.a. for standard program duration
CCFF Women in STEM Scholarship The purpose of the Scholarship is to support women to study STEM at UNSW Science and UNSW Engineering. $11,000 p.a. for standard program duration
Mike Brungs Endowed Scholarship in Chemical Engineering

Established to support undergraduate students from a social or educational disadvantaged background in their Chemical Engineering degree. Academic Merit will also be taken into consideration.

$10,000 p.a. for standard program duration
The Bega Equity Scholarship

Established to encourage students studying a Bachelor of Engineering - Civil Engineering at UNSW.

$5,000 p.a. for standard program duration
Eliathamby Ambikairajah Women in Electrical Engineering Equity Scholarship

Established to support a female student experiencing disadvantages studying a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering.

$5,000 p.a. for standard program duration
Law & Justice
Judge Bob Bellear Memorial Residential Scholarship Established to support a five-year residential scholarship for an Indigenous law student. Up to $25,000 p.a. towards accommodation fees for standard program duration.
Helen Irwin Wright Law Scholarship Established to support a female student undertaking a Law Degree at UNSW. $20,000 p.a. for standard program duration
The Dean's PLT Equity Scholarships

The purpose of the Scholarship is to support students from diverse and disadvantaged backgrounds to undertake the UNSW Graduate Diploma in Legal Professional Practice (GDLPP).

$13,000 p.a. for standard program duration
The Dean's PLT Equity Scholarships (Indigenous)

The purpose of the Scholarship is to support students from diverse and disadvantaged backgrounds to undertake the UNSW Graduate Diploma in Legal Professional Practice (GDLPP).

$13,000 p.a. for standard program duration
The Dean's PLT Equity Scholarships (Refugee)

The purpose of the Scholarship is to support students from diverse and disadvantaged backgrounds to undertake the UNSW Graduate Diploma in Legal Professional Practice (GDLPP).

$13,000 p.a. for standard program duration
Faculty of Law Juris Doctor Equity Scholarships

The Faculty of Law Juris Doctor Equity Scholarship was established to assist high achieving students from disadvantaged backgrounds, or who are experiencing social and/or economic and/or educational disadvantage, to undertake the Juris Doctor Program at UNSW

$10,000 p.a. for standard program duration
Ngoc Tram Nguyen Scholarship - UNSW Law 40th Anniversary Scholarship

Supports disadvantaged Law students from the public secondary schools in South Western Sydney to study at UNSW Faculty of Law.

$5,000 p.a. for standard program duration (up to 5 years).
UNSW Law & Justice Disability Support Scholarship

Established to support commencing students with a long-term medical condition or disability and are in financial need to undertake a UNSW Law undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree program.

$5,000 p.a. for standard program duration
Medicine & Health
Wavelength International Indigenous Medical Accommodation Scholarship Established to support an Indigenous Medicine & Health student's accommodation costs for the duration of the eligible degree program (up to 6 years). $25,000 p.a. for standard program duration (up to 6 years).
UNSW Medicine Equity Scholarship Established to support students commencing full-time undergraduate study in the BMed/MD degree program at UNSW. $10,000 p.a. for standard program duration
Dr Ho Kok Tong Scholarship Established to encourage and support an undergraduate student commencing the BMed/MD degree program at UNSW. $8,000 p.a. for standard program duration
Arthur and Rita Kwan Scholarship Supports disadvantaged students to undertake undergraduate study at UNSW in the Faculty of Medicine. $5,000 p.a. for standard program duration
Origin Foundations Grant King Indigenous Scholarships

Assists Indigenous students commencing a degree program in the Faculty of Science or Faculty of Engineering at UNSW

Students must reside at UNSW Shalom College to be eligible. The Scholarship will be paid as accommodation fees directly to the College.

The recipients will also receive a UNSW President and Vice-Chancellors Equity Scholarship (UGCE1319) valued at $5,000 per annum stipend for the duration of a single or double degree program.

$25,000 p.a. towards residential fees + $5,000 per annum stipend for standard program duration
Trevor Gerber SYD100 Scholarships Established to support educationally disadvantaged students undertaking study at the UNSW School of Aviation. The Scholarship will be paid directly towards accommodation fees and tuition fees. Students must have received an offer to a Commonwealth Supported Place in a Bachelor of Aviation Management / Commerce or Bachelor of Aviation Management (with option to complete honours). $25,000 p.a. towards residential fees and full tuition fees for 4 years
Emeritus Professor Marcus Taft Equity Scholarship in Psychology The purpose of the Scholarship is to support students experiencing disadvantages to study either Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) or Bachelor of Psychological Sciences (Honours) in the School of Psychology, UNSW Sydney. Preference will be given to Australian citizens. $20,000 p.a. for standard program duration
The Ian and Barbara Burgess Memorial Rural Science Scholarship

The purpose of the Scholarship is to encourage, and support disadvantaged rural students studying Science at the University of New South Wales.

$12,000 p.a. for standard program duration
Girls Do the Maths Established to support female students commencing study in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at UNSW. $5,000 p.a. for standard program duration

Current Students

UNSW also offers Equity Awards to support current students. These include:

Scholarship Name Description Value and Duration
UNSW Equity Award Assists currently enrolled undergraduate or postgraduate coursework students with their studies at UNSW. $5,000 for one year
Arts, Design & Architecture
UNSW Arts, Design & Architecture Postgraduate Equity Scholarship

The Scholarship has been established to give applicants who have endured hardship the support and opportunity to undertake a Master?s degree (coursework) at UNSW Faculty of Arts, Architecture & Design. Preference will be given to UNSW Alumni.

$5,000 p.a. for standard program duration
Brenda Smith Award in Social Work Established to support students enrolled in the Bachelor of Social Work at UNSW who are experiencing educational disadvantage, particularly whilst completing their third and/or fourth year practicum. $5,000 for one year
Theresa Lindsay Hayward Indigenous Social Work Award Established to support a currently enrolled Indigenous Australian student undertaking their third or fourth year field placement as part of the UNSW Bachelor of Social Work program. $5,000 for one year
UNSW Arts, Design & Architecture Equity Award Established to give the opportunity and provide support to disadvantaged, low SES candidates or candidates who have suffered hardship to undertake undergraduate studies within the Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture. $5,000 for one year
Harold Theodore Clyde Howard Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship The purpose of the Scholarship is to support students experiencing educational disadvantage studying an undergraduate degree program, specialising in Chemistry with the UNSW School of Chemistry. $5,000 p.a. for standard program duration